Casey – This is what a broadcaster looks like.

Casey has a passion for stories, particularly life stories. He devours autobiographies. He loves learning about the beginnings of famous athletes and artists ‒ where they came from, the challenges they overcame. It’s his love of stories that’s guided him towards broadcasting. Studying broadcast journalism at college, he loves the fast-pace of the newsroom but can’t quite decide if he wants to be behind the camera or in front of it.
He also recognizes the importance of sharing his own story. That’s why this ambitious student who has cerebral palsy is also a volunteer and advocate for youth with disabilities. But Casey isn’t all work and no play. He loves being on the water, canoeing, kayaking and sailing. And when he’s back on land, he enjoys learning guitar. One day he hopes to play country music because for him, that type of music often has the best stories. This is what a broadcaster looks like.